Dr. Gregor Schwerhoff

"The IPBES seems a great way to me to deepen our understanding of biodiversity and to communicate to decision makers and the general public about it. I would like to contribute to this very promising project and be part of the involved international community."

Portraitfoto Dr. Gregor Schwerhoff Foto bereitgestellt von
Dr. Gregor Schwerhoff

Angaben zur Person:

Dr. Gregor Schwerhoff, Umweltökonom

Institutionelle Anbindung:
Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)


Autor in welcher Expertengruppe / Task Force (vergangen und gegenwärtig); ggf. weitere Funktionen im IPBES-Prozess

  • Review Editor in Kapitel 2 für IPBES-Arbeitsprogramm Element 2(b); Regionale/subregionale Assessments zu Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen für die Region Afrika; laufender Prozess

Teilnahme bei anderen IPBES-relevanten Aktivitäten

  • Teilnahme am zweiten Autorentreffen in Bonn, August 2016


Was ist Ihre Motivation, sich aktiv am IPBES-Prozess zu beteiligen?
The IPBES seems a great way to me to deepen our understanding of biodiversity and to communicate to decision makers and the general public about it. I would like to contribute to this very promising project and be part of the involved international community.

Was ist für Sie das Besondere am Weltbiodiversitätsrat IPBES?
It is an international, cooperative and knowledge-based approach to some of the most urgent challenges we are facing.

An welchem Schwerpunktthema arbeiten Sie mit, und was wäre ein wertvolles Resultat aus Ihrer Sicht?
Chapter 2: “Nature’s benefits to people and quality of life”. As an economist I would appreciate if this chapter can contribute to the understanding that nature contributes to the quality of life not only in ways which are reflected in GDP.

Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie bereits mit „Wissenschafts-Politik-Schnittstellen“ gemacht? Welche Chancen und Herausforderungen sehen Sie bei einer Mitarbeit an solchen Schnittstellen?
I work for an institute, the MCC, which does research on the science-policy-interface and actively engages in scientific policy advice. My experience is that decision makers are very interested in research and often well-informed, but that the interaction between the spheres could go much further towards a “deliberative democracy”. A major challenge is to communicate in a way which is correct and precise, but not too complex. A great opportunity is to bring more science into political decisions, in particular concerning the environment.

Was ist Ihr persönlicher Wunsch für die Zukunft von IPBES?
I wish that it becomes an established, reliable and easily accessible source of information on biodiversity.