Dr. David P. M. Lam

"The effects of biodiversity loss, climate change, and social injustice call for transformative change in our social-technological-ecological systems now. I hope that the IPBES Transformative Change Assessment will contribute the insights required to make the right decisions for future generations and us now."

Portraitfoto David LamLeuphana Universität Lüneburg
Foto bereitgestellt von David Lam.

Angaben zur Person:

Dr. David P. M. Lam (Scientific Director at tdAcademy – Platform for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies)

Institutionelle Anbindung:
Institute for Sustainable Development, Leuphana University Lüneburg

Weitere Hintergrundinformationen zu Person und Institution:

Autorin in welcher Expertengruppe / Task Force (vergangen und gegenwärtig); ggf. weitere Funktionen im IPBES-Prozess

  • Lead author in Chapter 3 “How transformative change occurs” of the Transformative Change Assessment


Was ist Ihre Motivation, sich aktiv am IPBES-Prozess zu beteiligen? / What is your motivation to actively participate in the IPBES process?
To contribute my experiences on transformative change, transdisciplinary research, and integration of Indigenous and local knowledge to the global Transformative Change Assessment. Transformative change is the key topic of my research. In IPBES, I have the possibility to collaborate with researchers and non-academic actors on transformative change at the science-policy interface.

Was ist für Sie das Besondere am Weltbiodiversitätsrat IPBES? / What do you consider as being original and special about IPBES?
IPBES is one of the biggest and most relevant global assessments concerning biodiversity, sustainability, and transformative change. IPBES brings together diverse knowledge (e.g. scientific, practical, Indigenous) from different contexts that will help us to better understand the levers that can contribute to transformative change for biodiversity conservation.

Für welches Kapitel haben Sie sich zur Verfügung gestellt und was wäre ein wertvolles Resultat aus Ihrer Sicht? / For which chapter/s did you apply and what would be a good result from your point of view?
I applied to participate in the Transformative Change Assessment as my research focuses on transformative change and transdisciplinary research. A great result would be if we could make relevant policy recommendations that will contribute to transformative change in different social-technological-ecological systems.

Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie bereits mit „Wissenschafts-Politik-Schnittstellen“ gemacht? / Which experiences have you already make science-policy-interfaces?
In the project tdAcademy – Platform for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies, I also work at the science-policy interface to promote transdisciplinary research as a transformative research mode.

Welche Chancen und Herausforderungen sehen Sie bei einer Mitarbeit an solchen Schnittstellen? / Which opportunities and challenges do you expect when engaging in such interfaces?
The biggest opportunity and challenge is to translate knowledge into action. We have a lot of knowledge on sustainability, transformative change, and biodiversity conservation. However, what is still lacking is to put this knowledge into action. I hope that the Transformative Change Assessment will contribute to bridge this gap.

Was wäre Ihr persönlicher Wunsch für die Zukunft von IPBES? / What would be your personal wish for the future of IPBES?
I wish that the next IPBES report will have great impact and initiate the urgently needed changes concerning biodiversity loss, climate change, and social injustice.