Dr. Arne Geschke

"It requires a synchronized global human effort to preserve and maintain biodiversity and functioning ecosystems. It requires biodiversity and functioning ecosystems for humans to thrive."

Portraitfoto Dr. Arne Geschke Foto bereitgestellt von
Dr. Arne Geschke

Angaben zur Person:

Arne Geschke, Dr., Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Sydney with focus on environmental-economic assessment, renewable energy systems, sustainability, and impacts on biodiversity.

Institutionelle Anbindung:
The University of Sydney

Weitere Hintergrundinformationen zu Person und Institution:

Autor in welcher Expertengruppe / Task Force (vergangen und gegenwärtig); ggf. weitere Funktionen im IPBES-Prozess

  • Lead Author in Kapitel 1 des Assessments für IPBES-Arbeitsprogramm Element 2(c); Globales Assessment; laufender Prozess

Teilnahme in anderen IPBES-relevanten Aktivitäten
Second Author Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, 2017.


Was ist Ihre Motivation, sich aktiv am IPBES-Prozess zu beteiligen?
I have both professional and personal interest in biodiversity conservation. The IPBES process allows me to contribute to legislative processes that will improve management, preservation, and also use of the wealth of biodiversity on our planet now and for generations to come.

Was ist für Sie das Besondere am Weltbiodiversitätsrat IPBES?
The preservation of biodiversity is essential for human wellbeing. Despite the fact that most threats to biodiversity appear to be of local nature, the increasing globalization creates causal chains between consumers that are geographically far from the point of impact and specific local threats of biodiversity. In order to address this now global challenge, a global expert pool such as the IPBES is essential to serve a single point of contact for businesses and policy makers for biodiversity-related enquiries.

Für welches Kapitel haben Sie sich zur Verfügung gestellt und was wäre ein wertvolles Resultat aus Ihrer Sicht?
I am one of the Lead Authors for the first chapter. A valuable result would be to clearly communicate that complex global supply chains drive local biodiversity threats and that only global efforts can assist in reducing our impact on biodiversity and ecosystems without compromising human well-being.

Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie bereits mit "Wissenschafts-Politik-Schnittstellen" gemacht? Welche Chancen und Herausforderungen sehen Sie bei einer Mitarbeit an solchen Schnittstellen?
No experience yet

Welche Chancen und Herausforderungen sehen Sie bei einer Mitarbeit an solchen Schnittstellen?
There is immense potential that the work of the IPBES can drive policies that will ease the pressure on ecosystems and biodiversity in order to insure that currently threatened valuable ecosystem services will be sustainably managed in the future. One of the key challenges will be in my opinion to establish an open and fair communication culture in order to identify potential obstacles in the IPBES work early in the process.

Was ist Ihr persönlicher Wunsch für die Zukunft von IPBES?
That the topic of preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems in general matures in a way that there is a general public awareness comparable to the issue of climate change.