Dr. Aidin Niamir

“IPBES is a thoughtfully-designed and inclusive platform that effectively utilizes the reliable knowledge to promote long-term human well-being through informed policy-setting.”

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Dr. Aidin Niamir

Angaben zur Person:

Dr. Aidin Niamir is a senior scientist at the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Institute, specializing in the management of global biodiversity data and knowledge.

Institutionelle Anbindung:
Senckenberg Society for Nature Research

Weitere Hintergrundinformationen zu Person und Institution:

Autor in welcher Expertengruppe / Task Force (vergangen und gegenwärtig); ggf. weitere Funktionen im IPBES-Prozess

  • Head of IPBES Technical Support Unit for Knowledge and Data
  • Lead Author in Chapter 4 of the Methodological Assessment Report on the Diverse Values and Valuation
  • Lead Author in Chapter 2 of the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
  • Fellow in Chapter 3 of the Regional Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Asia and the Pacific


Was ist Ihre Motivation, sich aktiv am IPBES-Prozess zu beteiligen?
I view IPBES as a promising opportunity to foster an inclusive science-policy interface that can promote both enhanced human well-being and the conservation of nature. I am enthusiastic about engaging in this unique dialogue and contributing towards identifying potential solutions that can address these important issues.

Was ist für Sie das Besondere am Weltbiodiversitätsrat IPBES?
Its inclusivity; IPBES serves as a pioneering organization that facilitates communication and mutual understanding among policy makers, scientists, practitioners, indigenous communities, and local communities of diverse backgrounds, knowledge systems, genders, races, and more.

An welchem Schwerpunktthema arbeiten Sie mit, und was wäre ein wertvolles Resultat aus Ihrer Sicht?
Currently, my primary area of focus in IPBES is managing the technical support unit for knowledge and data. Our unit is responsible for providing support to assessment experts in producing reports that adhere to FAIR and CARE principles. For more information, you can refer to the IPBES data and knowledge management policy at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3551078

Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie bereits mit "Wissenschafts-Politik-Schnittstellen" gemacht? Welche Chancen und Herausforderungen sehen Sie bei einer Mitarbeit an solchen Schnittstellen?
I have had the opportunity to participate in various national and international assessment reports related to biodiversity and environmental monitoring. Collaborating in science-policy interfaces provides an excellent opportunity to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and policy-making, which can result in more evidence-based and efficient policies. Nevertheless, difficulties can arise when there are contrasting values, interests, and priorities between the scientific and policy communities. It can also be challenging to convey scientific findings to non-scientific audiences and to navigate the complex political landscape.

Was ist Ihr persönlicher Wunsch für die Zukunft von IPBES?
My personal hope for the future of IPBES is to witness the active and sincere participation of all countries and territories as members, with no one left behind.